Il «Swiss National Committee of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics» (NC IUGG) dell’Accademia di scienze naturali in Svizzera (SCNAT) è la rappresentanza nazionale svizzera all’interno dell’ «International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics» (IUGG).di più

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Primary & secondary rainbows
Immagine: M. Furger, PSI / Markus Furger, PSI

Our committee is the liaison between the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), which is the Adhering Body to IUGG. Each member represents one Constituent Association of IUGG within the committee.

The committee and its members inform the appropriate bodies in Switzerland about activities and resolutions of IUGG and its Associations. The committee designates a Chief Delegate to attend Council meetings at IUGG General Assemblies and each member is responsible for an adequate Swiss representation at plenary meetings of the Associations.

Excerpt from the 2016 NC-IUGG By-laws:

Bylaw 1: Basic principle

  • The Swiss National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG is a Working Group of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT1).
  • Technically and administratively, the National Committee NC-IUGG is affiliated to the Platform Geosciences, an organ of SCNAT.

1) SCNAT is the Swiss Adhering Body to IUGG (see IUGG statute 4)

Bylaw 2: Purpose

  • The National Committee NC-IUGG performs the functions which are intended for it according to paragraph 4 of the IUGG bylaws. Its mission is primarily to ensure the participation of Switzerland in IUGG activities.
  • In particular, the National Committee NC-IUGG informs the appropriate bodies in Switzerland on resolutions taken by the IUGG Council; if necessary, the National Committee undertakes the necessary steps for their implementation.
  • The members of the National Committee NC-IUGG represent1) the interests of Switzerland at plenary meetings of the IUGG constituent associations. They ensure that any business relevant for Switzerland are communicated to the Commissions and Societies listed under 'Portrait > Members'.
  • Within the limits of its possibilities, the National Committee NC-IUGG can support Swiss activities and events which concern the areas of expertise of one or several of the IUGG societies.

1) As Accredited Delegate

Bylaw 3: Structure

  • One but not more than two members of the National Committee NC-IUGG represent one IUGG constituent association. The members belong to the Swiss scientific community.
  • Scientific organisations connected to IUGG activities can also delegate at most one representative to the committee. This person also belongs to the Swiss scientific community.
Earth interior (Institute of Geophysics, ETHZ; snc-iugg)
Immagine: Institute of Geophysics, ETHZ

NC IUGG drafted its Bylaws in German. The Executive Council of SCNAT approved
them 26 August 2016.

Zusammenfluss von Aare und Reuss
Immagine: B. Schädler, CHy; snc-iugg